Did you drink enough water today? | Did you drink enough water today?

Did you drink enough water today? | Did you drink enough water today?

Drinking regularly throughout the day is super important to avoid feeling thirsty. If you feel thirsty, it means that your body is already a little dehydrated. Older people can get dehydrated more quickly because they lose the feeling of thirst. Children should also be reminded to drink water regularly. To always be sure that you have drunk enough, avoid the following symptoms.


Thirst is your body's way of sending an alarm signal. Obviously, it has not been "watered" in time and now urgently needs fluid.

If you get a headache or feel dizzy, this can also be a sign that you have not drunk enough. Your blood is no longer sufficiently diluted and therefore transports less oxygen to the brain. We often take medication against this immediately. A big glass of water or a hot pot of tea is more natural and better than pills.

Our brain consists of three quarters water. Without the necessary fluid, we have difficulty concentrating. So if you notice that you are not concentrating, take something to drink and take a short break. After that, things should go much better again.

If your body does not receive enough water, this is also noticeable on your skin. The available fluid is first used to supply the vital organs, the skin has to wait its turn and can therefore become dry and flaky.

Are you often tired and sluggish? Dehydration causes the body to lower the metabolism and this can make you sleepy.

One last thing you can also look at is your urine. Dehydration also shows up in your urine. If you don't drink enough water, the colour of your urine will change. The problem is not that it becomes diluted, but that it becomes concentrated. That's why the colour changes from straw yellow to amber. You know you have drunk enough water when your urine is almost clear.

The best thirst quenchers are tap water or mineral water. You can spice up the taste with, for example, lemons or limes. Different types of unsweetened tea are also very good if you prefer a fruity taste.




Drinking regularly throughout the day is super important to avoid feeling thirsty. If you feel thirsty it means that your body is already a little dehydrated. Older people can get dehydrated more quickly because they lose the feeling of thirst. Children should also be reminded to drink water regularly. To always be sure that you have drunk enough, avoid the following symptoms.


Thirst is your body's way of sending an alarm signal. Obviously, it has not been "watered" in time and now urgently needs fluids.

If you get a headache or feel dizzy, this can also be a sign that you have not drunk enough. Your blood is no longer sufficiently diluted and therefore transports less oxygen to the brain. We often take medication against this immediately. A big glass of water or a hot pot of tea is more natural and better than tablets.

Our brain consists of three quarters water. Without the necessary fluid, we have difficulties of concentrating. So if you notice that you are not concentrating, take something to drink and take a short break. After that, things should go much better again.

If your body does not get enough water, this will also be noticeable on your skin. The available fluid is first used to supply the vital organs. The skin has to wait to its turn and can therefore become dry and flaky.

You often feel tired and sluggish? Dehydration causes the body to shut down the metabolism and this can make you sleepy.

One last thing you can look at is your urine. Dehydration also shows up in your urine. If you don't drink enough water, the colour of your urine will change. The problem is not that it becomes diluted, but that it becomes concentrated. That's why the colour changes from straw yellow to amber. You know you have drunk enough water when your urine is almost clear.

The best thirst quenchers are tap water or mineral water. You can spice up the taste with, for example, lemons or limes. Different types of unsweetened tea are also good if you prefer a fruity taste.

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