Helpful tips for a relaxed meditation

Helpful tips for a relaxed meditation

Meditation is a useful way to increase concentration throughout the day. But it's probably not just you who has trouble concentrating while meditating. So many distractions can throw you off track, like noisy neighbours, passing cars or ...

But 5 tips can help you find your inner peace.

Schedule: A morning meditation can help you start the day in a relaxed way. But this is not true for everyone. Many of us mentally go through the day ahead in the morning, worrying about how to get through it. For these people, morning meditation is not effective. For them, mediation in the afternoon or evening makes more sense.

Preparation: A relaxed and calm atmosphere can help minimise distractions. Make sure you are not disturbed, neither by other people nor by your mobile phone. Comfortable clothing can also play its part in making you feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Position: Most of us think of mediation as a person sitting cross-legged on the floor. However, this is not necessarily a comfortable position for all of us. It is crucial that you feel both awake and relaxed in this position. So it is even possible to meditate while standing. 

Mindfulness: Of course, it is not always easy to focus your attention. Most of the time there are many thoughts racing through your head that distract you. But don't try to fight this distraction, accept it and then refocus your attention on your practice. 

Focus: Focus your attention on a specific point, e.g. on your breathing or on the sounds of nature. Direct your attention to this point, e.g. how your belly moves up and down through your breathing. Once you have found a point, you can use this focus point again and again in stressful situations.

If you get distracted in your mediation, it is not a failure, because mediation is also about thinking about distractions without getting caught up in them. But if you don't know when you've lost the way, you won't find it again.

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