This is how you noticeably improve your mobility

This is how you noticeably improve your mobility

Why is the mobility of your muscles important?

Good flexibility is not only essential for injury prevention, but also a crucial factor if you want to improve your training performance and gain more strength.

Especially if you sit bent over at your desk all day, regular stretching and warming up is even more important. Tense muscles and stiff joints hinder proper exercise performance, limit your range of motion and thus reduce your success!

So: whether working out at home, exercising in the fresh air with your Training tools from our Training backpack, or at units in the gym:
Don't forget (or omit) warm-ups and cool-downs!


But how can you optimize your workouts and improve your agility?

1. dynamic warm-ups:

Of course, extensive static stretching before a workout is great, but not essential. Much more optimal for a warm-up is dynamic stretching - active movements that help warm up your muscles and prepare them for training, especially before cardio and strength training. 

So before your next workout, complete some dynamic movements with your own body weight, such as squats, lunges, push-ups or jumping jacks, to get your blood pumping and your heart rate up.


2. static stretching exercises at the end of the workout.

Static stretches involve holding a stretch in a comfortable position for an extended period of time, usually between 20 and 30 seconds. You should perform these sustained stretches for about 5 to 10 minutes at the end of the workout to increase range of motion and stretch the muscles that were tight during the workout. 

Our workouts in the PAKAMA App use Dynamic Warm-Ups and Static Cool-Downs even in the first and last minutes of a training session.


3. integrate yoga

Studies have shown that yoga not only increases your flexibility, but also strengthens your muscles! Adding just 1-2 yoga sessions per week to your regular workout routine will help loosen up tight muscles and joints. And this is especially important if you do high-intensity interval training (HIIT), weight lifting, or repetitive cardio like cycling or running.


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