5 Ways to rebuild your exercise routine | 5 Ways to rebuild your exercise routine

5 Ways to rebuild your exercise routine | 5 Ways to rebuild your exercise routine

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Whether you're watching the early sunset every day, busy with work, or the kids. It's easy to miss a few workouts.... and then more than a few. After all, sport thrives on routine. Especially in winter, it's common for exercisers to skip their typical workout routine. The days are shorter. That means if you train before or after work, it's probably in the dark.

You probably use your commitments as an excuse for your workouts. When we commit to a routine, our mind is psychologically prepared to handle that workload and our body is at full speed. Once we break that momentum, it takes immense energy, both on the mental and physical front, to get things going again. Once you get over the hurdle, motivation usually rises again quickly - but that first hurdle is the worst.

Make a date with your workout

Make an appointment with yourself and perhaps with your training equipment. Put fixed times and dates in your calendar each week. Think of it as 'me time' and not hard work. Also, do workouts that you really enjoy.

Get it over with sooner

Try to squeeze in a morning workout to "get it out of the way". The longer you put it off, the less likely you are to do it. This is especially true when it gets darker and colder faster.

Start at home

You don't need a fancy gym or the latest equipment. You can simply do your workout programme from the comfort of your own home. Online classes or videos are the best place to start. Of course, you don't have to take a challenging class every day.

Set concrete goals

You want to run a half marathon? Get better at weightlifting? Have a goal in mind, something achievable and relevant to your fitness efforts, and write it down. Take a look at this goal every now and then when your motivation has dropped to cheer yourself up.

If you're still struggling, meet up virtually with a friend to hold yourself accountable for training, or call a friend to chat while you run. 

Think holistically

Don't exercise just to maintain or reach a certain weight. Remind yourself that exercise has positive effects on physical and mental health, from improved sleep to better endurance.

Remember that it only takes 21 days to create a habit. So start today and stick with it. Within three weeks you won't be able to stand not doing your daily workout. 



Whether you're watching the early sunset every day, busy with work or the kids. It's easy to miss a few workouts.... And then more than a few. After all, sports thrive on routine. Especially in the winter, it's common for exercisers to skip their typical workout routine. The days are shorter. That means if you work out before or after work, it's likely to be in the dark.

Combine increasing commitments and you have the perfect recipe as an excuse for your workouts. When we commit to a routine, our minds are physiologically primed to handle that workload and our bodies are at full speed. Once we break that momentum, it takes immense energy, both on the mental and physical front, to get things back on track. Once you get over the hurdle, motivation usually rises again quickly - but that first hurdle is the worst.

Make a date with your workout

Make a date with yourself and maybe your workout gear. Put fixed times and dates on your calendar each week as set appointments. Think of it as 'me time' and not hard work. Also, do workouts that you really enjoy.

Get it over earlier

Try to squeeze in a morning workout to get it 'out of the way'. The longer you put it off, the less likely you are to do it. This is especially true when it gets darker and colder faster.

Start at home

You don't need a fancy gym or the latest equipment. You can easily complete your workout program from the comfort of your home. Online classes or videos are the best place to start. Of course, you don't have to take a challenging class every day.

Set specific goals

Want to run a half marathon? Get better at weightlifting? Have a goal in mind, something attainable and relevant to your fitness endeavours, and write it down. Take a look at this goal every now and then when your motivation has dropped to cheer yourself up.

If you're still struggling, meet up virtually with a friend to hold yourself accountable for working out, or call a friend to chat while you run. 

Think holistically

Don't train just to maintain or reach a certain weight. Remind yourself that working out has positive effects on physical and mental health, from improved sleep to better endurance.

Remember that it only takes 21 days to create a habit. So start today and stick with it. Within three weeks, you won't be able to stand not doing your daily workout.

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It is absolutely outstanding! Super app, brilliant backpack, you look forward to the next workout! It's just fun to get moving again!

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