Signs that you need a restday

Signs that you need a restday

Restday = day of rest, but what is that anyway ?

When you exercise, your muscles need time to grow and heal. Because sports activity creates small tears in your muscles, which your body needs time to repair. If you work out a lot with your Fitness backpack When you're on the road, it may be harder for you to take a day off. But if you don't take time off, you run the risk of injuring yourself and then possibly being out for a longer period of time.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you should lie on the couch on Restdays and eat pizza and chips alternately. Rather, it means that you shouldn't do an intense workout on Restdays. You can, of course, go for a walk, do a round of yoga, or do some stretches on the PAKAMA sports mat if it makes you feel better!

The important thing is to listen to your body and give it what it needs.

How you can tell that a Restday is necessary

If you have muscle soreness that lasts longer than usual, this is a clear sign that your body is not coping with the current load and needs more time to recover - you should also give your body this time.

On average, a person needs 8 hours of sleep to recover sufficiently after a day. If you feel that you are not sleeping well or that you are constantly having trouble falling asleep, your body is trying to tell you something.

Your eating behavior changes - you constantly have cravings, whether sweet or salty. Or you suddenly have no hunger at all.
Because when your body works out a lot, hormone levels can change and this results in this unusual behavior.
Attention, with the girls it can also have other causes !

That's why it's always good to have fixed rest days already integrated into your training schedule. In our PAKAMA App under the individual programs we have planned the workouts so that your body has enough time to recover!

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