Your way to a flat and trained stomach...... That's the way to go!

Your way to a flat and trained stomach...... That's the way to go!

A flat and toned stomach? This is how it works!

Who doesn't dream of a six-pack? but with which training method can this be best achieved? Sit-ups and push-ups alone are not enough. We will tell you which workout is particularly effective.

Fitness influencers and celebrity athletes, present their trained bodies on social networks almost daily. A Sixpack is apparently the goal of their training programme for many, but which method really leads to a muscular body?

In any case, sit-ups and crunches alone are not the key to training success..............

You should choose a method of training that Fat burning boosts.

The first step on the way to a six-pack is to lose body fat, especially in the abdominal region. However, you don't achieve this through simple exercises for the body's core, but through a combination of endurance and strength units.

"Hours of sit-ups or Planks Executing probably won't help you lose stubborn belly fat.

When building a six-pack, make sure to achieve a calorie deficit - this means consuming more calories than you eat through food.

Particularly effective for burning calories and melting body fat are our Quick & Dirty Workouts (HIIT workouts). In this training method, high-intensity slots alternate with moderate phases or breaks.

The most efficient way to achieve a calorie deficit is through a combination of exercise and a healthy, calorie-reduced diet. The diet therefore also plays a decisive role in muscle building.

If you normally need 2000 calories to maintain your weight, it is sufficient to consume about 1800 or 1900 calories daily through food.

When choosing food, you should always make sure that it contains as many nutrients as possible.

A handful Almonds or a banana as a snack, for example, contain many minerals and vitamins that give you energy.

Only when your body is supplied with all nutrients can you achieve optimal training results.

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