Personal growth - This is how you manage to develop yourself!

Personal growth - This is how you manage to develop yourself!

Personal growth is both a prerequisite and a result for success. Those who do not develop and grow are treading water. Therefore, it is important to leave one's comfort zone regularly in order to be able to grow from the experiences.

Growth is the result of a long process, which usually involves overcoming fears and hurdles. There are various tools that help with growth. For example, in case of insecurities or a lack of motivation, regular long-term training, for example, with your Fitness backpack help 

The four zones in which you grow:

What is the saying? In order to develop, you have to leave your comfort zone. But this phrase is really true!
We feel comfortable in our comfort zone. We have our routines and habits, feel control and security.

When we leave the comfort zone, we quickly enter the fear zone. Unfamiliar situations lead to insecurities, fears and we tend to find excuses to stop our growth process and go back to the comfort zone.

But especially at this point it is important not to give up. If you are in the fear zone for a while, you will notice that your fears and insecurities slowly disappear and you enter the learning zone. In the learning zone you can build new skills, experience and confidence. 

The learning zone is followed by the growth zone, where you ultimately find satisfaction, meaning and self-confidence. And already your comfort zone has expanded. You now feel comfortable in situations that would have previously frightened you, and you can feel control and security in these situations. 

How does personal growth succeed?

First of all, it is important that you take responsibility for your own situation. Make it clear that you alone are responsible for the fact that you are still in a situation with which you are not satisfied and that only you can help yourself out of it.

Of course, leaving your comfort zone requires a lot of courage and stamina. In order to know what you are doing all this for, it is important to clearly define your goals and to keep reminding yourself what you are doing it for.

In the next step, you think about suitable strategies for achieving these clearly defined goals. There are usually many ways to reach a goal, but you should carefully consider which one is best for you. 

A good tip for this is to write down your goals and strategies for achieving them by hand. This way they are more present for you and you can visualize them better. Some people find it helpful to have a so-called "vision board" on which they hang photos that represent the goal they have achieved in a collage in a frequently seen place or set them as their home screen. 

And last but not least, what was said at the beginning is true: Only when you leave your comfort zone will you succeed in developing yourself further.

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