6 arguments why rest periods are necessary

6 arguments why rest periods are necessary

Two days' rest and the fitness is gone. A misconception. Below you will find 6 arguments that make you realise that one or two rest days per week are actually good for your fitness.


1. avoid injuries

Rest periods prevent your body from being overstressed. This applies to everything from strength training to endurance training to walking. If you run regularly, you know what your legs can take until they need a rest. If you train without rest, your muscles and joints will be overused, which increases the risk of injury.


 2. your muscles need rest too

This is probably the most important thing you've learned about strength training. When you lift weights, you are essentially tearing muscle fibres. But without adequate rest periods for your immune system to regenerate and build muscle, you won't get much benefit from your training. For this reason, muscle groups need to be alternated.


 3. your performance will not suffer

It takes a full two weeks of no training before your body starts to break down any noticeable part of your progress or performance level. So be aware that your hard training will not be lost in one or two days of rest.


 4. improve your sleep

Too much exercise puts your body in a state of restlessness that makes it difficult to sleep well. This is noticeable through an increase in resting heart rate. A rest day can remedy this. This rest day helps to lower your heart rate, which gives you a good night's sleep.


 5. overloading of the immune system

Too much training means constant readiness for your immune system. Without rest days, your immune system cannot fully regenerate your body. Injuries are the result.


 6. avoid mental exhaustion

A day of rest is not only important for physical exhaustion, but also for mental exhaustion. A day of rest can prevent burnout and promote the desire to exercise.

First of all, it is important that you realise that a day of rest is beneficial for you and your body.

It is best to create a training plan in which you firmly plan your rest periods. Give your muscles a break one or two days a week. A little stretching or light yoga can support your active recovery. This stimulates blood circulation

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