6 ways to make quick workouts more effective | 6 ways to make quick workouts more effective

6 ways to make quick workouts more effective | 6 ways to make quick workouts more effective

If you don't have much time, it doesn't mean you can't do a good workout. However, you will need to approach your workout differently. The next time you want to do a quick, effective workout, take these tips to heart to choose the ideal exercises and focus on the essentials, no matter how much time you have.

Go into your workout with a plan. Whether it's an exercise from an app or from social media. Know what you're going to do before you start so you don't dawdle. Limit yourself to a couple of exercises to give each exercise the attention it deserves. And to train harder.

Prepare your equipment before your training. This not only saves time, but also helps you prepare mentally. If you have everything at hand, you can concentrate on your goals for the training session right from the start. This way you are motivated to complete the training despite the short duration.

It is even better to use less. When time is short, the less equipment you use, the better. Then you don't have to switch back and forth all the time.

Try taking fewer rests between your sets. When you exercise, take a break between sets to allow your muscles to recover and develop more strength. This does not mean that you should just sit around between exercises. Instead, combine exercises that work opposite muscles. For example, work your biceps with curls and then your triceps with extensions. 

Or try combination exercises. You can try to do two exercises in one flowing movement.

For example: 

  • Squat with Overhead Press
  • Push-up to lateral plank
  • Cross Lift to Flexed Row

Challenge yourself. Use a timer for each exercise and try to complete a certain number of repetitions or a certain amount of time. Once you know your target, try to do more reps the next time you train or a longer time for endurance training. 

Turn up the beats and create a playlist of all your favourite songs to motivate and push you.



If you're short on time, that doesn't mean you can't get in a good workout. However, you'll have to approach your workout differently. The next time you want to get in a quick, effective workout, take these tips to heart to help you choose the ideal exercises and focus on what's important, no matter how much time you have.

Go into your workout with a plan. Whether it's an exercise from an app or social media. You should know what you're going to do before you start your workout so you don't dawdle. Limit yourself to a couple exercises to give each exercise the attention it deserves. And to train harder.

Prepare your equipment before your workout. This not only saves time, but also helps you prepare mentally. If you have everything at hand, you can focus on your goals of the training session from the beginning. This way, you'll be motivated to push through the workout despite the short duration.

Even better is to use less equipment. When time is short, the less equipment you use, the better. Then you don't have to switch back and forth all the time.

Try using fewer breaks between your sets. When you work out, you take a break between sets so your muscles can recover and develop more strength. This doesn't mean you should just sit around between your exercises. Instead, combine exercises that work opposite muscles. For example, work your biceps with curls and then your triceps with extensions. 

Or try combination exercises. You can try doing two exercises in one fluid motion.

For example: 

  • Squat with overhead press
  • Push-up to lateral plank
  • Deadlift to bent over row

Challenge yourself. Use a timer for each exercise and try to complete a certain number of reps or a certain amount of time. Once you know your target, try to complete more reps the next time you work out or a longer amount of time during your endurance workout. 

Turn up the beats and create a playlist of all your favorite songs to motivate and push you.

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