When can you start exercising again after childbirth?

When can you start exercising again after childbirth?

Mamas watch out! 
- no matter if pregnant, freshly baked or with a 5-year-old child:

You are all real power women!

Because we want all mamas to feel the same way - strong, healthy, beautiful and comfortable in their bodies - last week we launched our new Mama Fit Program presented.
You can now find this in the PAKAMA app. The program helps you in only 3x 20min per week back to the desired figure and you need only your PAKAMA Fitness Backpackour app and your Tools. A babysitter or gym membership are not necessary! The program begins with gentle backbirth and pelvic floor exercises.

PAKAMA Mama Fit Workout Program


When after the birth of your child can you start the program?

After the birth, the postpartum period begins - during this time, rest is the order of the day! Your body needs rest to recover from the stresses and strains of pregnancy and birth. In addition, your body copes with a complete change during this time: healing and involution of the uterus, milk production and the beginning of the breastfeeding relationship with the baby.

Step by step, he also restores his "normal state": the organs push back to their original place, the connective tissue tightens, ligaments and tendons have to tighten, bruises and tears heal.

After the postpartum period, the body is ready to take on greater athletic challenges again!

The postpartum period lasts nfter a vaginal birth about four to six weeks.

At Complications or after a cesarean section lasts the regeneration phase six to ten weeks.


Generally speaking:

A lot depends on how fit you stayed during pregnancy. If you were active until the last few weeks, then you can basically start with simple stretching exercises and light sports right after delivery.

If you didn't exercise during pregnancy or are a novice when it comes to exercise, you should slow down at first.

Regardless of your fitness level, as a new mom you can start doing backbirth and pelvic floor exercises should you feel ready.

Please note:

You should always consult your midwife or gynecologist, especially if you are unsure!

Do`s & Don't`s for the first weeks after birth


If you feel like it, go for a walk with your child in the stroller. Fresh air is good for you!
As soon as you feel stronger, you can extend the walks.

First, strengthen your pelvic floor with gymnastic exercises, so that it is strengthened and you do not involuntarily leak urine. Incontinence after childbirth is completely normal if you exert yourself, for example through sports!

A healthy and balanced diet, as well as regular gymnastics and stretching exercises are the best way to get rid of baby fat. Check out our Nutrition System and our Mama Fit program!

Train so that you are slightly out of breath but still able to carry on a conversation - this will give you the best results.

Please always try to do your workout after breastfeeding. Then your breasts will no longer feel uncomfortably full and your baby will like it better. Because studies have shown that breast milk has an increased level of lactic acid, if intensive sports were done. Babies sometimes reject this completely. Don't worry - this only applies if you've been exerting yourself a lot and only up to 60 minutes after exercise.


Please do not go swimming for the first six weeks after birth to avoid getting an infection.

Please wait with workouts at home if you had a cesarean section. Let the wound heal first.

Until your pelvic floor is strong enough, please do not do sit-ups, play tennis or do aerobic exercises! Your pelvic floor is not fully resilient until six to nine months after birth.

Please do not do any exercise that will make your breasts sore or tender.

To get back to your feel-good weight, you may want to start a diet. Please don't! The weeks after birth are not the best time for dieting. Especially not if you are breastfeeding! Dieting during the breastfeeding period releases the environmental toxins stored in the fatty tissue, which can be passed on to your child. You may also notice that you lose a little weight by breastfeeding yourself.

Your body will signal you if you want too much training at once! If you overdo it in the first few weeks, your flow may become pink or red. Please slow down and consult your doctor!

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