Take your ab workout to a new level! Take your ab workout to a new level!

Take your ab workout to a new level! Take your ab workout to a new level!

Want to add variety to your ab workout? Here are a few alternatives to traditional ab exercises. Each of the following exercises has been slightly modified to work your core. This way you can target multiple muscle groups - including the core - and you can gain valuable strength and save time.

Lunges with twist

By adding a slight twist at the top of the lunge, you activate your oblique abdominal muscles, which help support your spine. It also acts as a "weight belt". To make this exercise heavier, simply hold a medicine ball or other weight in front of your chest.

1. start in a standing position. Step forward with the left foot and slowly go into a lunge. The left knee should be directly above the ankle while the right knee hovers a few centimetres above the floor.
Tense the centre of your body, then turn your upper body to the left and hold this contraction for one second before returning to the centre.
3. now stand on the left foot and switch legs and repeat the process with the right side.

Side Plank Dip

The Dip during a Lateral Plank causes the oblique abdominal muscles to be trained as they contract and relax and also strengthens the muscles around the spine.

1. lie on your side, legs extended and stacked, upper body resting on the forearm, elbow directly under the shoulder.
Keep your core tense and raise your hips in a slow, controlled movement until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
Slowly lower your hips towards the floor and raise them again.
Do all the repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

Russian Twist

Tense your core the whole time to keep your back stable.

Sit on the floor with knees bent. Hold a weight (or alternatively your hands together) in front of your abdomen, elbows slightly bent, tense your core and lean back so that your upper body forms a V-shape with your thighs.
Turn your upper body to the right or left.
Then turn back to the centre before turning in the other direction.

Jumping jack Plank

When you add the jumping jack leg movement to a plank, you increase muscle activations throughout the core. Jumping jack planks also increase heart rate and provide great cardio.

1. start in forearm support with forearms on the floor and elbows under the shoulders.
2. now tense your entire core to avoid sagging hips and jump your feet out and away from your body and then back again.




Do you want to add variety to your ab workout? Here are a few alternatives to traditional ab exercises. Each of the following exercises has been slightly modified to train your core. This way you can target multiple muscle groups - including the core and you can gain valuable strength and save time.

Lunges with rotation

By adding a slight twist to the top of the lunge, you activate your oblique abdominal muscles, which help support your spine. In addition, this acts as a "weight belt". To make this exercise more difficult, simply hold a medicine ball or other weight in front of your chest.

Start in a standing position. Step forward with your left foot and slowly go into a lunge. Your left knee should be directly over your ankle, while your right knee hovers a few inches off the ground.
Tense your core, then rotate your torso to the left and hold this contraction for one second before returning to centre.
3. now stand up on your left foot and switch legs, repeating the process with your right side.

Side Plank Dip

Adding a dip to a side plank causes the oblique abdominal muscles to work as you contract and relax, and also strengthens the muscles around the spine.

1. lie on your side, legs extended and stacked, upper body resting on your forearm, elbow resting directly under your shoulder. hold your midsection tucked in.
Keeping your core tense, raise your hips in a slow, controlled motion until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
Slowly lower your hips towards the floor and raise them again. 
Perform all repetitions on one side before switching to the other side. 

Russian Twist

Tense your core the entire time to keep your back stable.

1.Sit on the floor with knees bent. Hold a weight (or alternatively your hands together) in front of your abs, elbows slightly bent, and tense your core and lean back so that your torso forms a V-shape with your thighs. 
Turn your upper body to the right or to the left.
3. turn back to the centre before turning in the other direction.

Jumping Jack Plank

When you add the jumping jack leg movement to a plank, you increase muscle activations throughout your core. Jumping jack planks also increase your heart rate and provide great cardio.

1.Start in forearm support with your forearms on the floor and your elbows under your shoulders.
Now tense your entire core to avoid sagging hips and jump your feet out and away from your body and then back again.

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