In only 7 steps to restful sleep

In only 7 steps to restful sleep

For every athlete restful sleep is enormously important. With these 7 tricks you simply sleep better.

Training during the day

Of course, when you train, you get tired. However, you should definitely avoid exercising just before going to bed. Intensive training stimulates the body, mind and muscles - and thus has exactly the opposite effect to what you actually want. Switch off. So try it, to train in the morning. Make sure that there are at least 3 hours between training and sleep.

Create a routine

A routine is the key to success. The same goes for your sleep. So that you do not upset your inner clock, you should always set your alarm clock to the same time.

Caffeine and too heavy a diet

Sleeping on an empty stomach is probably just as difficult as sleeping on a full stomach. So try to eat something light before going to bed and avoid caffeinated drinks in the evening. Caffeine works for 6 hours before it is completely broken down.

The right atmosphere in the bedroom

A bright screen in the bedroom will set your inner clock ticking. Your brain doesn't understand that it's bedtime. That's why you should stop surfing the internet or watching TV in bed. You should switch off all electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed, lamps should be dimmed. That way your eyes will close all by themselves.


Both your body and mind must be relaxed before going to bed. You can completely switch off with a hot bath. And meditating helps you to relax your mind while becoming more focused and productive. Concentrate on the "now", take a deep breath in and out - and you're in the land of dreams.

A cool room temperature

Athletes often sleep "hot" because they move a lot during the day. But to sleep, your body temperature must drop. Otherwise you won't be able to enter sleep mode. A room temperature of 16 to 20 °C is very helpful for this.

Create order

Disorder causes stress. So get rid of the dirty laundry. Make your bed and let some fresh air in. When you clean up your bedroom, you automatically create more order in your mind. You are calm and prepared for sleep.

Bottom line:

Maybe it sounds funny, but you also have to do something for sleeping. When you're ready for it, you'll soon sleep better.


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