Strength training - why it makes sense for each:n

Strength training - why it makes sense for each:n

"Strength training makes women look like men"

"Strength training is only associated with "pumping" and "mucking out" and is only for body builders"

You have certainly heard or thought these statements before.
Because of this fitness myth, many women don't dare to do regular workouts with heavy weights to build muscle - so-called strength training.


From children to 100 year olds - strength training and muscle building is good for everyone!

PAKAMA focuses, in addition to our warm-ups and cool-downs, on strength training for example! We would like to help you with our Fitness backpack and our PAKAMA Training equipment show that this fitness myth is not true at all.

In fact, researchers and the WHO (World Health Organization) recommend a Mix of strength & endurance trainingbecause muscle mass, strength and, in particular, quickness decline steadily with age. This happens particularly rapidly from the age of 60.

Starting early really does pay off:

Strength training is useful even in childhood, as strength is a very important prerequisite for age motor activities. In addition, strength is the foundation for sports motor activities and thus helps children set a good foundation for sports activities, even when they get older.
Researchers found that over the past 30 years, children's bounce has declined by about 10% due to decreased physical activity.
This should be countered, because children are well equipped with a good sports motor foundation. more satisfied and self-confident, as successes can be celebrated quickly in strength training!
This is also very beneficial to the self-esteem of overweight or obese children to reduce weight and celebrate a sense of achievement.

In addition, a significant improvement in children's ability to concentrate, after regular strength training, has been demonstrated.

As another myth, it is popularly said that adolescents should not do strength training when they are growing. But this is wrong!
There is no length restriction in growth when muscle building training is performed.

If you do a lot of strength training when you are young, the Memory Muscle Effect can help you build muscle faster and easier, even after a long break.


Building muscle is also important for adults and has many benefits:

In particular the Quicknesswhich is the very first thing to dwindle in old age, should be exercised regularly. At the same time, the muscles grow - this is good for the metabolism.

It is also interesting that muscles make up 30-40% of the body mass. When this organ grows - so if for every 1 gram of growth in return 1 gram of molecules (amino acids and sugars) are absorbed from the blood, they can also no longer accumulate in the fatty tissue.

Strong muscles burn many kilocalories not only during sports, but also at rest!

So if you do muscle building training you get not only the strength, but also the figure :)

Strength training is also useful in advanced age:

Initial indications in research regarding strength training in old age show positive trends:
Through muscle building training, subjects had an increased sense of balance and more strength. They were also more active again and more willing to do smaller workouts at home and exercise in the fresh air or in a group.


Here is the topic also again briefly summarized in a video:

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