Sling Trainer - what can this tool actually ?

Sling Trainer - what can this tool actually ?

The sling trainer belongs to the category of resistance training with your own body weight. On the other hand, training with our resistance bands is resistance training with additional weight, or rather with a load, which is a challenge for anyone working out with the PAKAMA Backpack trained is "equal".

When training with your own body weight, the load is your own weight and therefore especially for you a perfect full body workout.

The workout with the sling trainer mainly addresses your deep muscles and by stabilizing your body in the different planes you have to keep your balance properly.


Small and compact you can take our sling trainer everywhere, even if you do not have so much space in your suitcase 😊

Both for Beginner as well as for Advanced suitable. You yourself decide the amount of Handles (through the carabiners you can quickly adjust the height) and can thus determine the intensity of the workout itself, the steeper the angle of your body, the more difficult.

Whole body workout, as already mentioned, during the exercises with the sling trainer, several muscle groups are worked at once

All in one, training with the sling trainer will promote and challenge coordination, stability and your strength.

Improved posture, because especially your body center and your deep muscles are under tension during the workout, they are optimally trained.

Each of our coaches has done at least one workout in the Appwhere he brings you to sweat with the sling trainer - so check it out 😊


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