Sports in summer - What should you pay attention to ?

Sports in summer - What should you pay attention to ?

The right time of day

In summer, you should exceptionally refrain from exercising during the scorching midday sun. Because your body is dehydrated during the activity and during a workout in the midday heat, the sun also dehydrates your body. It is better to get up early in the morning and do your workout. Then it is still pleasantly cool, the ozone values are still low and you can start the day motivated.

If you are not part of the "early riser" team, you can alternatively do your workout in the evening. Then it is still warm, but the solar radiation is lower and your body copes better with the heat.

Drinking Drinking Drinking

As already mentioned in point 1, the body is properly deprived of fluid on hot days. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least 100 to 150 ml of water per 20 minutes. Mineral water is the best choice, as it adds important nutrients to your body.

You do not like mineral water ? - No problem, just add a little lemon and mint to your water and you have a refreshing drink!

Cream against the sunburn

If you want to work with your Fitness backpack outdoors and looking for a suitable place for your workout, you should remember to apply sunscreen. After applying the sunscreen let it soak in and you can start 😉

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