Why you should give up sugar

Why you should give up sugar

Whenever you eat a processed food, in most cases you are eating industrial sugar. Despite its bad reputation, sugar is in almost everything these days. After all, it tastes so good. But why you should give up sugar (or at least reduce your sugar consumption) and what happens to you and your body, you will learn here:


1. more energy

Sugar makes you tired and sluggish. Who doesn't know it: after a fatty, sugary meal, we lie down on the couch and do nothing. A low-sugar diet with fresh, unprocessed foods gives your body and mind energy instead. Physical processes work better and therefore you show a better performance in the area of muscle building and fitness as well as in the area of concentration.


2. better skin and mood

Due to a lot of sugar in the diet, the intestinal flora is upset and sugar-loving bacteria and fungi settle in the intestine. The intestine has a huge influence on our well-being. If it has problems, psychological problems such as sadness, anxiety, panic attacks or burnout can be promoted. In addition, the condition of the intestine is often reflected in the skin. If you do without sugar for a while, you will notice that over time your mood will improve and your skin will become clearer.


3. cravings disappear

Sugar acts on our body like a drug. The sweet stimulus goes straight to the brain's reward center. The more we consume of it, the more we get used to it. This addiction is reflected in cravings. The body keeps asking for the sweet substance. As hard as it may be for you to give up sugar in the beginning, it will be great after a while when you realize that you no longer have any cravings for sweets at all. In the long run, your taste buds will also become more sensitive. You will notice that even a simple apple suddenly tastes much more intense. The fact that you can also lose weight much easier in the long run hardly needs to be mentioned. 

4. stronger immune system and prevention from diabetes:

Sugar promotes inflammation and reduces self-healing powers. A low-sugar diet ensures that the likelihood of developing allergies, colds or other more serious illnesses is rapidly reduced.
In addition, a low-sugar diet prevents type 2 diabetes. Too much sugar consumption leads to increased insulin resistance. The sugar can no longer be transported from the blood into the cells and the blood sugar rises too much. If you don't eat any sugar at all, this problem can't arise in the first place.

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