How you can become happier

How you can become happier

We often get caught up in the stress of everyday life and lose sight of all the positive moments in our lives. A big influence on how you feel and whether you are happy or stressed has your mindset. Even if the external situation doesn't change, your feelings can turn 180 degrees if you change your mindset. Here are a few tips on how you can do that:


1. feel gratitude for what you have:

Evolutionarily, man tends to focus on the negative in his life rather than the positive. This was very important for survival in the past, but is no longer necessary today.
If you actively change your thoughts step by step, you will eventually find it easier to focus more on the positive things, which will make you happier overall. A good exercise for this is to become aware every day of what you have and to consciously feel gratitude for it. The best way to do this is to write a list of what you are grateful for every night before you go to bed or every morning after you wake up. You will notice that even on the worst day there are always things you can be grateful for. Maybe a delicious meal, a friendly cashier, a great song on the radio, or the fact that you are healthy and able to exercise. Over time, your list will grow longer and longer and it will become easier and easier for you to notice all the positive things in your life.

2. believe in your possibilities

Instead of suppressing big dreams and goals with thoughts like, "I can't do that anyway" or "I'd like to do that, but I can't," try redirecting your focus and establishing a mindset like, "How can I go about achieving it?" When you switch your thoughts this way, possibilities will pop into your head that you weren't able to see before.

3. always assume the best

Many people always prefer to start with the negative for fear of disappointment. This way you can be less disappointed, but you don't have any great demands on your life and you have many more worries than if you establish the belief "It will work out somehow". According to the motto "Don't worry before it's necessary, otherwise you'll worry more than necessary" you should rather assume that everything will work out and rather put your energy and time into working for the achievement of your goals instead of worrying that it might not work out.

4. stop comparing yourself all the time

Everyone knows it: You scroll through social media, see the edited highlights from other people's lives and it happens: You fall into the comparison trap and start comparing your own life with these pictures. In contrast to these perfectly staged scenes, your life suddenly seems totally boring and dull.
But always be aware that people on social media only share the best moments from their lives and even artificially edit them to make them look even happier/successful/glamorous. Be aware that it doesn't matter how other people live their lives. What really matters is whether you are living your own life in alignment with your values, goals and priorities. Where other people vacation, whether they have a tight waistline, a home gym, where they are successful, etc. has no bearing on whether you are the person you want to be in your own life.

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